Nécrologie : Décès du professeur Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye
Le professeur Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye, monument de la médecine et spécialiste en neurologie, est décédé ce mardi à l’âge de 78 ans, à l’hôpital Principal.
Né le 9 février 1942 à St-Louis où il a effectué l'école primaire et le lycée, le Pr Pierre Ndiaye, effectue des études de médecines à l’Université de Dakar, après son baccalauréat scientifique obtenu au lycée Charles De Gaulle.
Il part pour la France pour se perfectionner comme interne des hôpitaux à l’Université de Paris IV.
Il réussit son agrégation en médecine en 1979, devenant ainsi le premier africain francophone agrégé en neurologie. Dès 1985, il est professeur titulaire de la chaire de neurologie à l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar.
Pendant 12 ans, il a été censeur de la faculté de médecine, pharmacie et odontologie.
A la retraite, le Pr Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye a été vice-président de l’Académie nationale des sciences et techniques du Sénégal (ANSTS) et membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes.
Il était également titulaire de nombreuses distinctions parmi lesquelles, les Palmes académiques du Conseil africain et Malgache pour l’enseignement supérieur(CAMES), la Légion d’honneur française, l’Ordre national du Mérite du Sénégal en autres.
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Казалось вожделение, о чем тутто заносить, ведь вдосталь ясный - неустанно эти конструкции должны красоваться надежно закреплены, не бродить больше допустимого, чтобы вышки не укатились нежданнонегаданно и их не сдул влечение ветра. Не забывать привязывать леса к стене разве дабы влечение ставить надежные распорки, для исключить опрокидывание. Также истинный проверять инвентарь настилов и не утилизировать гнилые...
Всетаки это и беспричинно вечно более-менее знают. Творение не неестественный этом.
Действительно я уже говорил, недавно ради работе произошел инцидент. Не для моем объекте, однако это не важно.
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Договорились мы с коллегой встретиться обсудить некоторые дела у него ради стройке. Они там в данный момент ради частном доме монтируют водосточку и подшивают карнизные свесы, следовательно, используют маломальски секций лесов, собранных в вышку. И передвигают эту вышку при дома вчетвером.
И что мы видим, подъезжая к объекту? Четыре человека тащат эти леса сообразно отмостке и никто не смотрит и не смотрел вверх. А там прежде проводов, которые идут со столба к фронтону дома, осталось дословно пару метров.
А терем не неофит и провода эти, кажется, еще советские. Вся изоляция в ужасном состоянии, потрескалась. И не известно, который было бы, коснись они их стальными лесами. Тем более, погода будет влажная.
Ровесник выше едва не поседел. И я дружно с ним. Тем более, какой изрядно лет вспять у нас в городе в аналогичной ситуации четыре человека зацепили линии электропередач присутствие перетаскивании лесов...
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Many people have a stereotype in their heads about the low quality of Chinese goods and their short service life. But despite this, all the store shelves are filled with goods from this country, whether it is clothing, appliances or even cars. Let's see what category of quality Chinese goods actually belong to.
Is it true that China produces everything?
According to statistics, every item number five is produced in the "Middle Kingdom". It is not surprising, because there are many factories and industries in the country. The question is, what is China not yet engaged in the production of?
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Further, the figures are really striking in their scale - 70% of smartphones, 60% of construction materials, 90% of computers and components, and so on, are produced in China. The following areas are also developing - metallurgy, mechanical engineering and shipbuilding, well, it has been known for a long time about Beijing's actively developing program for space exploration. Even the robots beloved by Japan and Korea, China has recently been doing more.
Which companies from the West produce their goods in China?
It is easier to list those who do not produce their goods in this country, because companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Adidas, Nike, Gucci, Colgate, Nivea and many others have long found in China the main manufacturer of their goods.
Assembly conveyor line at a Chinese factory
There are explanations for this, one of them is the opportunity to open and launch your production according to a ready-made scheme in a very short time and with low costs.
What about cars?
The time when cars from China were like test cars has passed. Now this industry is growing very rapidly, and with it the quality of cars. Now the Chinese car industry is in no way inferior to other manufacturers in comparable classes.
Chinese cars HAVAL
On the roads of any Russian city, you can find a lot of Chinese-made cars, and such popularity indicates the availability and reliability of these cars.
To sum up: is China about quality or not?
Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally what the quality of the purchased thing will be, because China produces almost all types of goods and does it in huge volumes, but who and under what conditions produces this or that product is another question.
Tag on clothing made in China
A popular myth in our country about low-quality goods with the inscription "Made in China" appeared in the 1990s, it was then that cheap Chinese consumer goods began to appear on the markets of Russia and Europe. Now, serious and high quality control has been established at the factories of China. Any doubts of the quality control department about the product, send the products for reworking. And the success of Chinese companies in the field of mobile development suggests that a lot of attention is paid to the quality of products.
On the website https://china-bazar.com you can order any product from China at an affordable price.
Direct MP3 Splitter Joiner is an easy software program utility that enables any particular person with no technical experience or special coaching to hitch or break up sound information (MP3 or WAV) in addition to carry out basic modifying, corresponding to trimming recordsdata or eradicating silence. MP3 Cutter Joiner Free is an aspirational program for music lovers particularly [url]https://www.mp3joiner.org[/url] one who likes to create his own music and wish some cutting, enhancing, becoming a member of, and many others. With this free MP3 cutter + joiner one-stop resolution software, it's convenient to affix collectively a number of audio information into one single file and cut giant audio information into smaller items.
Free Merge MP3 clearly supports the format you want however moreover it helps WAV, OGG and WMA formats. You may also convert your audio recordsdata to any of those codecs as and whenever you want. It's fairly attainable that some players might not be suitable with sure codecs after which there's the compulsion of a certain size of the whole file and high quality. No matter is your requirement or the specifics of your venture; you possibly can convert the information in accordance with your needs after which have one appropriate format, measurement and output high quality. You do not get these options in every MP3 joiner for Mac.
Free Merge MP3 supports a lot of the audio codecs. This system enables you convert audio files to any format you need as well. The MP3 Combiner is sort of potential that some players might not be suitable with sure codecs and then there is the compulsion of a sure dimension of the entire file and quality.
This free MP3 joiner helps a considerable amount of enter audio formats including MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE, AC3, AIFF, MP2, M4A, CDA, VOX, RA, RAM, TTA and much more as supply codecs [url]https://www.mp3joiner.org[/url]. Any audio recordsdata and audiobooks can be joined to the most popular audio formats as MP3, OGG, WMA, WAV, and so on.
Concatenating your a number of music, track, rington, mp3 recordsdata to one. 3. After which click on the Convert button to extract MP3 files from MP4 with high quality. Save meta information (ID3 information) like title, artist, album and so on. inside output recordsdata. Make Preparation: Free download and install this powerful Audio Joiner on your Mac or Windows, and then follow the step by step guide to mix audio recordsdata within minutes. Right here we take merge MP3 as instance.
Simple MP3 Cutter Joiner Editor handles no less than the next audio formats. Marge a number of information or elements of multiple recordsdata into a singular file. The program has the preview option that you can pre-pay attention all or part of your composition as you apply an audio impact to it, without rendering to ultimate output but understanding whether or not you're satisfied or not.
Do you wish to be part of numerous separate MP3 files or audiobooks into one giant file for non-stop enjoyment? It will likely be your greatest option to attempt Free Easy MP3 Joiner. It is a powerful and easy-to-use audio joiner. The exclusive characteristic of this Free Straightforward MP3 Joiner is that it's able to direct becoming a member of MP3 files & audiobooks without quality loss and re-encoding effort. You may be a part of a number of MP3 recordsdata into one simply by drag'n'dropping them within the desired order. You will get the lead to a matter of seconds. Will probably be positively a new technology of MP3 joiner.
For those who just need a certain part of an audio file just like the climax of a music, to use as ringtone and stuff, Free MP3 Joiner works like scissors to present you an audio trimmer to keep solely the wanted half and take away the ineffective ones. Simply import the audio, set the beginning & finish points and get essentially the most amazing piece extracted.
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Online MP3 cutter - make your individual unique ringtone. Free MP3 Cutter Joiner means that you can combine multiple audio formats right into a single and enormous MP3 file. The MP3 Joiner is developed by DVDVideoMedia, which provides [url]https://www.mp3joiner.org[/url] straightforward and easy interface and options. You possibly can minimize audio files into MP3 or mix different MP3 into one file with ease.
The first thing that catches your attention is how easy it's to make use of the program, allowing you to carry out very attention-grabbing actions as quickly as you start using it. You won't discover heaps of choices, an amazing number of time bars or totally different tools, however you will enjoy a couple of very nicely offered prospects. Which in this case is an actual success.
X-Wave MP3 Cutter Joiner is sturdy, reliable software. It has been coded to the best requirements and it's clear that every X-Wave feature is nicely thought via. This software has clearly been developed with the person experience in mind.
Direct MP3 Joiner is a straightforward and fast audio tool to combine, merge, or be part of MP3 information. Utilizing Direct MP3 Joiner, you possibly can be a part of a number of music MP3 files [url]https://www.mp3joiner.org[/url] to at least one bigger MP3 file in only a second. Direct MP3 Joiner enables you to quick merge, combine and be a part of MP3 audio recordsdata with out recompressing and with out high quality loss.
It even can merge video files like MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, MPG, VOB, MKV, FLV, WebM, MXF, AVCHD, MTS, and and so forth. Tried another MP3 Joiners but this one just rocks. I can continuously get pleasure from my favourite songs and audiobook with only a click of a button. Click on "Profile" drop-down button to decide on the desire output audio codecs from "Normal Audio" and "Lossless Audio" categories.
2. Rip DVD motion pictures to MP3 information, which enable be a part of MP3 from the high quality audio from DVD. The audio converter can extract the embedded paintings of audio files to a folder or embed exterior art work to transformed files. It may possibly also learn and edit tag like artist, album, style, and many others.
MP3 Cutter Joiner Free can concatenate a bunch of smaller recordsdata collectively, forming a big, single file in a format of your choice. Any information formats are allowed to input to kind a single playable audio track with customized pauses or gapless playback. It's convenient for users to rearrange the order of input audio recordsdata to your desired place by dragging.
Free Merge MP3 obviously helps the format you need however additionally it supports WAV, OGG and WMA formats. You may as well convert your audio files to any of these codecs as and once you need. It's fairly attainable that some players may not be suitable with certain formats and then there's the compulsion of a sure measurement of the whole file and high quality. No matter is your requirement or the specifics of your undertaking; you may convert the information in line with your wants and then have one suitable format, dimension and output quality. You don't get these options in each MP3 joiner for Mac.
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